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David Plunkett Realty!

David Plunkett Realty is the TOP producer in La Paz County. They are the.#1 choice among both buyers and sellers in Parker, Parker Strip, Bouse, Quartzsite and La Paz County.

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Parker Real Estate, Parker Strip, David Plunkett Realty

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PARKER 8832 Riverside Drive, Parker, AZ 85344 928-667-1699 Office 928-667-1694 Fax

BOUSE 27904 Hwy 72, Bouse, AZ 85325 928-851-2424 Office 928-851-2454 Fax

QUARTZSITE 375 N. Central Blvd. Quartzsite, AZ 85359 928-927-5290 Office 928-927-5291 Fax

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